Swim lesson
Schedule & pricing
For questions about lessons, please contact Aquatics Director, Kim Spina at 703-250-1299 or email her at kspina@nationscapitalswimming.com.
Schedule and Pricing
View BrochureLST1-LST3: $270 LST4-LST5: $405
LST1-LST3: $270 LST4: $405
comfortable floating with face in water for 5 seconds and roll to back float for 5 seconds.
Arm and leg movements for 15 feet on front and back.
swim 15 yards free and back. Butterfly introduced.
treading water for 60 seconds and swimming front crawl for 25 yards.
25 yards Front crawl and Elementary Backstroke, and 15 yards Breaststroke.
comfortable with face in water and floating on back.
glide on back and swim on front for 10' feet with face in water.
swim front crawl 20 feet and swim on back using a finning motion with a flutter kick for 20 feet as well as tread water for 30 seconds.
- After the first 30 minutes classes will be charged in 15 minute increments at the prevailing rate.
- All private lessons are arranged through the Aquatics Office. Contact us at privatelessons@brscswimminglessons.com
* BRSC Members receive a 20% discount
- Registration is confirmed with payment only.
- There are no refunds.
- There are no make-ups.
- Individual classes cancelled by BRSC will be rescheduled.
- Use of the pool other than class time is limited to members only.
- Inclement weather cancellations may be necessary. Please check the website: www,burkeclub.com for updates
- Participants must use gender specific locker rooms or the provided family changing room on deck.
- All of our Participants: While there is a provided family changing room on the deck as well as one off the lobby, we strongly recommend that your swimmer come dressed for their lesson and bundle up in warm clothes prior to leaving
- Use of the pool, other than class time is limited to members only.
For the safety of the swimmers, please address any concerns you may have with the on deck coordinator.
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